Saturday, February 10, 2024

City break☀️

‘Man has been created by God for a blissful purpose beyond the reach of earthly misery’.
 (Vatican 11)
‘Enjoy your prayers’, semi-grumpy bus driver told little lady. ‘I’ll light a candle for you’, she told him, as we got down from the bus. I turned back and offered him my prayer, nervous. He accepted. Looks like he needed it!

Strolling down Patrick’s Street on my way to St. Peter and Paul’s Church, Rumanian lady, sitting on cardboard in the pouring rain, gladly took my prayer and coins. Too sad for words.

Further on, George, Rumanian also, sat on a duvet, two refuse sacks holding his belongings. His little corner of the universe neat and tidy. I asked if he ever prayed, he took a Holy Bible from his knapsack. I gave him my prayer and the only note in my purse. He prayed quietly for me in his own dialect.

On my way back from beautiful St. Peter and Paul’s Church, George sitting in the same place and I got him a large coffee and two buttered scones. ‘Please pray for me’, I asked him. ‘Every day, every day, every day’, he replied his hand on his heart. Jesus gazed on me through George’s beautiful sad eyes, I know that for sure. I saw Jesus!

Imagine this for a moment: If all of us on witnessing a homeless person, would greet them with a smile and pop just one euro in their paper cup. Just one euro! How life-changing that tiny gesture would be, for them and us. Heaven on earth!

Many folk walked on by without as much as a sideward glance. I find that so difficult to get my head around!

12.30 Bus back home to Kilarney and after some time it dawned on me that I was in fact on the wrong bus. I was heading for Limerick. Bus from Buttevant back to Cork Station once again and eventually on to Killarney. Thank God for free travel!

In all that mayhem many unbelievable prayer-sharing encounters came to pass. Beautiful peace of Christ covering me with calm knowing all would be well as always Thank God.

Tea in Killarney and wonderful chat with young man who received my prayer last Summer. We both remembered one another. On that day, he gifted me a flower he had picked and today I showed it to him all dried and pressed in my prayer book. That was really special. 

I dashed to the Friary for quick word with beautiful Jesus in Holy Tabernacle and noticed young man sitting alone. ‘Would you like a beautiful morning prayer. I love sharing what I know to be true’, I said. His exceedingly serious reply surprised me: ‘What do you know?’. Another amazing encounter . Lonely hurt guy finding forgiveness tough. (To extend and to receive).

God uses every single thing for good. Catching the wrong bus definitely the right thing to do after all!! I return home bone-weary, buzzing and with just one prayer left in my bag. 

Thankyou Father God for the life you give to me. Beyond my wildest dreams!

Something I read in Magnificat magazine while praying in magnificent St. Peter and Paul’s Church this morning comes to mind:

‘How greatly we add to our crosses by being cross with them. More than half our life goes in weeping for things other than those sent us. Yet it is these things as sent and when willed and at last loved as sent, train us for Home. Constantly resisting, kicking at everything is going to make life more complicated, difficult, hard. Accepting patiently the reality of the situation will take the worst out of it’. (Von Hugel)

This elaborate pulpit reminds me of the tale about the priest who apologised for ‘The drip in the pulpit’. (He was referring to the leaking roof!)

Just about to dash from Church and get coffee for George when Holy Spirit whispered into my deepest heart: ‘Sit awhile. If you won’t do this (prayer time), you will not be able to do that (serve). Thank you wonderful Holy Spirit. Your beautiful wisdom puts all things in right order!

Blessed told me today (12/2) that one time in South Africa he witnessed homeless guy with a placard asking for just one rand, hoping one million people would comply thus rendering him a millionaire! 

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