Monday, February 26, 2024

God is beautiful ☀️πŸ™πŸ»

                 ‘The Grace to live a vocation is there only if a Call is there’. (Fr. Malachi Napier)

‘God is beautiful. Every word is a big heart’. Ukrainian lady’s words first thing this morning as she accepted my prayer. What a start to my day!

Legion of Mary meeting, Holy Mass before Derm dropped me at Daniel’s Nursing home on his journey back home to his beloved family, rested and renewed after our smashing weekend together.

Every week there is a noticeable difference in Daniel, more alert and his voice gets stronger. Singing along, today he even managed a smile. Human touch! While there, I get to visit and pray with other dear folk too. Our esteemed elderly need so little but they need that ‘little’ so much. Never a chore, spending time in their company is time well spent and beyond enjoyable.

Young girls on work-experience in nursing-home happily received my prayer. I share with them that without Jesus they will get by, but with Jesus they will fly. No way of articulating how joyful, young folk become on hearing that eternal truth. Every time!

Wonderful prayer-sharing week, to mention but a few. Friday last, after 3pm live-streamed Holy Rosary kindly gentleman approached me, shook my hand and looking directly into my soul uttered: ‘Thank you for all you do. Be Holy, be happy’. Speechless, tears filled my eyes. Definitely divine visitation!

Young German girl, surprised, accepting my prayer with the words: ‘I really appreciate this’, walking away, glancing back smiling, all at the same time. Older lady (perhaps her Mom) graciously refused. (Role reversal).

One of my African ladies could not stop crying and next day she told me that having prayed long into the night, suddenly her sadness faded away and today she is feeling much better. I instantly knew what she meant. One time, in deep turmoil I prayed Holy Rosary many times and my hurting heart literally became joyful, like I had something to celebrate! Prayer is powerful, it gives life to the soul.

Poor guy who loves his wine far too much and much too often, told me honestly how much he would love to quit drinking. ‘Let’s pray’, I suggested, right there in the park. He did not laugh or think me weird. God grant poor man the freedom he so earnestly desires. I read one time that freedom is the opposite to alcoholism and not sobriety!

Elderly couple (Afghan asylum seekers) sitting on a bench. I sign to them that I will take their photo if they wish. Handing me their phone, they stand together smiling like a thousand suns. My joy could not be contained either, seeing both of them so happy. Delightful joy-filled impromptu performance!

After Sunday Holy Mass, elderly elegant lady in the midst of her loving family, called me to say: ‘You know the prayer you gave me a long time ago? I say it every morning’. Wow! Thumbs-up from Heaven above.

I love my prayer-sharing vocation from God. Exciting, no two days ever the same. Only Jesus could make things happen the way they do. Everything is better with You in it, my dearest Jesus.

‘All work with me is wonder-work. God working in and through man. This should be the normal work of every Christian’s day. For this I came to earth, to show man this could be’. (Jesus/God calling)

                                                                        Valentia slate quarry.
                                                                    The broad Atlantic.
‘I will attempt day by day to break my will into pieces. I want to do God’s Holy Will, not my own’. 
(St. Gabriel Possenti)

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