Thursday, February 8, 2024

‘Be merciful just as your Father is merciful’.(Luke 6:36)

‘I live now, not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me’. (Galatians:2:20)
Waiting for earliest bus out of town this morning, young guy at bus-stop told me how thrilled he is to be back in school again and studying for his Leaving-Cert exam. ‘You came along with your prayer and things began to change for me’, he shared, smiling like a thousand suns. What joy! I remember distinctly the day I offered him my prayer some years ago, as he strutted along with his blaring ghetto blaster. He, shocked to be asked, me shocked that he took it!

Tea in only cafe open, before 10AM Holy Mass in Friary. Lady owner telling guy: ‘We have too many people in Kilarney’ and she was not referring to tourists. ‘Some good will come of it’, replied guy. (kind non-commital response). I paid for my tea and offered lady my prayer. ‘I really appreciate this’, she replied earnestly.

Thing is, I did not want to offer lady my prayer, having listened to her disparaging remarks. (Poor refugees). However, as I went to pay my bill, Holy Spirit prompt changed my mind and heart. Jesus shows me mercy even when I least deserve it and so I must act likewise in all situations. Simple as that! and totally liberating into the bargain.

Ambling about Cork city, one of my favourite pass-times, chatting with street-folk, sharing our stories, my prayer and widow’s mite. Not another person I know shares my passion, therefore I go alone. Don’t just live. Live with passion!

In beautiful Cork Church, extremely sad lady told me she has no energy left to continue on. I gave her my prayer and asked if she would like to meet up at 10 AM Holy Mass tomorrow morning. Dear lady smiled and agreed. Fiona waiting outside to take me back to theirs, otherwise I would have stayed a while.

Cozy this night in the charming company of  Eric, Fiona and my smashing grandchildren. Peace and tranquility. Rest and renewal. What a mighty God we serve. Allelulia.

‘How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers’.                        (Saint Mother Teresa)


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