Sunday, January 31, 2021

Little people.❤️

‘I love these little people; and it’s not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us’.           (Charles Dickens)

Our weekly FaceTime cozy chat, Saoirse, Aoife, Cillian and Nan. We end with prayer always. One x Our Father, one x Hail Mary, one x Glory be to the Father. Sign of the Cross before and after. ‘My soul is dancing when we pray together’, I told them. ‘My soul is partying’, added Aoife. ‘My soul is praying’, said Saoirse. 

We needed a ‘P’ word for ‘dancing’...hmmmmm. ‘Prancing’, shouted Aoife. Perfect on this splendid Sunday as January packs her stuff making herself scarce for another year.

We prayed, partied and pranced, our feet never touching the ground, ton of fun. Wonder, awe and whimsy🥳 We will do it all again next week, God willing. 

‘Lord give me the heart of a child and the awesome courage to live it out as an adult’.                   (Catherine Doherty)

                                                                  Cool Dude Cillian.
A good and wholesome thing is a little harmless fun in this world; it tones a body up and keeps him human and prevents him from souring’ (Mark Twain)
                                                          Christmas 2019 - Pre-Covid. 🥳☀️☀️☀️

                                                        Summer 2019. Pre-Covid. Carefree days.🥳☀️☀️☀️ 

Saturday, January 30, 2021



Majestic White Strand, clothing us like a warm cozy mantle. 

‘The Lord is in His Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him’. (Hab 2:20)

Dearest Lord, help me be silent and know that you are God. Amen

‘The Lord drapes Himself in Silence’. (Cardinal Robert Sarah)

It will all fit into a barnacle.💎

Mary is watching Late Late show alone, all others in their beds. I love to hear her voice, she gives me hope in this dark Corona time. When I enquire how she is getting along, quick comes her reply; ‘Suffering away, carrying my cross to Heaven’. She loves tea and her beloved cigarette. ‘We’ll drink tea in Heaven’, she says laughing in delight.

She got her first Corona vaccine today, bit light headed but otherwise fine Thank God. As she bids me goodnight, she wishes me a joyful weekend, typical Mary. No matter how she feels she always desires the best for me. 

That sublime kindness of spirit which emanates from deep suffering, touches my deepest heart warming my bones as the rain pelts my window. She will arise early in the morning for her first cigarette of the day, excitement in her voice palpable. ‘Will you go back to bed again’, I ask. No, she will stay up and have tea, listen to the radio too, she replies. 

Our calm friendship extremely precious, she knows she is welcome at any hour. No matter how many times I tell her, she will never realise her own worth in my life. I go on telling her anyway. 

Mary never dwells on her ‘stuff’ living her ‘story’ with love. One time when I knew she was telling me a half truth and assuring her that she could always tell it to me like it is, Mary replied; ‘You have to tell a lie when the truth won’t suit’. 

In these confusing Corona days we are feeling the pinch, our lives having changed dramatically. Now Mary is ahead on the road of life, we trailing behind. High tide brings up all boats. 

‘The last shall be first and the first shall be last’. (Matthew 20;1-16)

In my youth I recall an elderly lady one time say: ‘ In the end it will all fit into a barnacle’. I had no idea what she was talking about, now I do.🤔

‘Every breath we draw is a gift of His Love. Every moment of existence is a Grace’. (Thomas Merton)

Friday, January 29, 2021

Be still and know that I am God.🙏🏻❤️

“In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals, step home within yourselves and be still. Wait upon God, and feel His good presence; this will carry you evenly through your day’s business”. (William Penn)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Lay your burden down.🙏🏻

‘He lifts our fainting courage with His Grace, arms us with His power. He wraps us in the armour of His Love which no arrow can pierce’. (Blessed Basil Moreau)

Each morning, Monday to Friday, 11.30 until 12.30, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our Church. Come lay your burden down, be healed, restored, leave your troubles at the door. With newfound pep in your step you might not even pick them up again, countless times that wonderful experience was mine. 

There is no place on earth quite like it, sublime Divine oasis in the barren dessert we find ourselves in right now. Yes Jesus did say to His Apostles: ‘Could you not watch one hour with me’, but any amount of time is precious in His glorious sight. 5 minutes, 15 minutes, whatever you can afford is radical, life changing. Sitting at The Master’s feet is transformative, real success is found only in thinking and acting like Christ. 

‘All the strength of my soul flows from The Blessed Sacrament’. (St. Faustina)

No peace in our world right now except in the company of Jesus. Christ is the Peace, par excellence that the world can neither give nor take away. 

Peace that quenches the thirst of every human being. Come while there is still time, it might be later than we think.

‘Well, I know ‘God’, Tadhg (5 yrs) replied when I asked if he had a favourite prayer. From the mouths of babes.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Healing rays.🙌

Siobhan is probably Marina’s favourite carer in St.Anne’s, always going that extra mile. This Lockdown is a harrowing one for all of us, I miss my beloved Marina very much, thirteen years we are best buddies. She misses me too. 

I was so pleased when Marina told me in our phone call today: ‘Siobhan is very good to me. She is the best girl in this place’.

Because Marina was ignored and isolated for much of her life, God’s healing rays shine brightly through her brokenness. Marina is caring for Siobhan too. 

She will never see her own dazzling beauty but Siobhan will notice it and be touched deeply as time goes by. I know that for sure!

‘Every one of us will change the world, whether we mean to or not’. (Barbara Brown Taylor)

‘The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people’. (Leo Tolstoy)

Monday, January 25, 2021

Alive alive-0🥳

Paulina has Covid, no symptoms Thank God. She has had to pack few of her belongings, leave the refugee centre and stay in a B&B for two weeks. When she was informed of her plight, she could not stop crying. ‘You are one of the few people who will be holidaying in a B& B this year Paulina’, I told her. ‘You are one of the chosen few’. 
Now, almost a week in, she is content, her B&B delightful. Enjoying the peace and quiet, she passes her time writing her book (To be a refugee in Ireland), praying and sleeping. That which initially looked like a death sentence is beginning to feel like a vacation after all. In acceptance there is peace. 

Walking through the park this morning, winter wonderland after a night of heavy frost, I spy elegant waterhen swimming alone in the clear icy water. Full of joy diving under water only to emerge again with a poor unfortunate fish in her beak.

I ring rang Paulina telling her about joyful waterhen; ‘I understand better now’, came Paulina’s quick reply, ‘we must do all that we are able to do while we are able to do it. We are very blessed to be alive, let’s not waste another second. Keep on with your craziness’. 

Real fun is being part of something greater than ourselves, beyond the limits of this world, beyond the limits of ourselves. God’s is always the best way!

Paulina, elegant waterhen, little old me, alive and here but for a brief span in time. No need to wait until conditions are perfect - we have everything we need right here right now to do God’s will for us, in this our day and time. 

My soul elevated on this cold bright morning, enough to make one dance for joy

‘On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined’. (Lord Byron)

‘Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift. There is nothing small in it’.                     (Florence Nightingale)

Sunday, January 24, 2021

No Covid detected here.🙏🏻

HSE COVID-19 text arrived in the afternoon, my heart did a double-take. No Covid-19 detected, mammoth relief. I was more concerned for Killian than I was for me, had the result been positive his travel plans to Canada up in the air instead of himself.

Thing is, up until my Covid scare, the concept of Killian’s departure pained me. Happy for him, I would not want for him to remain in this small town forever, but I was not looking forward to living without him in our cozy cottage. Our time together over the past year uncomplicated and super enjoyable. 

Now, thanks to my negative Covid test, Killian has free rein and open road. My COVID scare has laid a new slant on everything.

Walking in the White strand, startling beauty all around us. I could not help pondering on how minuscule we are in the scheme of things and yet how important we are to our God. 

‘I will give thanks to The Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all thy wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in thee, I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High’. (Psalm 9:1-2)

The Sacrament of the present moment.💫


My beloved crows highly exasperated, they could not decipher the ‘little birds’ feeder and longed for the contents. They fluttered and cawed to no avail. Then, lightbulb moment, one crow balanced precariously on the flimsy feeder, thus spilling out some food on the ground below. Big celebration as they chatted and ate their spoil. Beyond delightful.

The little birds waited patiently knowing that any minute now the crows will fly away and it will be their turn to dine. Nobody gets left out, there’s a kindliness in the animal kingdom we humans would do well to heed.

They teach me to relax, let go, let God take over on this bright sunny cold day in January. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a word, all I possess is this beautiful day from God, freshly minted from His Holy Hands in Love. I shall not pass this way again, let me waste not one minute.

‘All powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your Love that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. (Laudato Si)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sacred Book-Ends.📿

              ‘The Rosary is the most beautiful and rich in graces of all prayers’. (St. Plus X)

Today in Church as I called out St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, Killian joined me for the first time. I was really pleased. Out of the blue, another Holy Rosary in another place at another time danced into my grateful heart making me smile. Holy reminder as I stood in prayer close to Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle.

On the 11th of May 2020, I was extremely unwell. I have no memory of any of it, none whatsoever. On the way to Tralee Hospital Killian suggested I call out Holy Rosary and he would answer the prayers. His thinking being, if I forgot the prayers then I was indeed in big bother. Turns out I did and I was. 

Today’s Holy Rosary continued to the final hymn without a hitch in that peaceful prayerful place, trimmings too. ‘We got our Holy Rosary Killian’, I said afterwards. He looked perplexed - ‘our unfinished fragmented one last May....’, I continued. The penny dropped: ‘Yes we did’, he replied smiling.

What a beautiful gift from God to us both, our new Rosary today, our fragmented unfinished old one last May, two sides of the same coin, circle complete. God’s sublime gift of closure, unexpected, unanticipated, unreal.

‘Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; For all things are possible with God’. (Mark 10:27)

Killian took me to the Docter’s Surgery three times on that fateful day and each time the Docter wasn’t convinced that I was ill. In the end, in sheer desperation Killian said: ‘My mother is a witty snappy lady and this is not Her’. That did it💡 Doc gave him the letter he needed and we took off for Tralee Hospital. The rest is history. You some man Kil🥳

Slow down. ⚓️

‘When we devote some calm time to the heart and come off the treadmill of stress and distraction, we can enter into the beauty within’. (Divine Beauty: John o’Donoghue)

One whole day apart from the world every week danced gently into my heart yesterday, just a shiny thing out of the corner of my eye, elusive but lingering. To sit at the Master’s Feet and be refilled seemed obvious, necessary even and yet my racing busy mind could not quite lay hold of the strange concept. Am I allowed such a luxury? Is it a form of escapism? or could it be just what the Docter is ordering right now....Slow down, cover less ground!

This morning, I could have chosen any other book from my bookcase, I could have read any page but page thirty nine, I could have cleaned out the ashes and not read at all. Divine confirmation, no more wondering, all ruminating now over, looks like Tuesday will be my Retreat day. 

It may not always work out but when it does it will be thrilling. Somebody one time wrote: ‘The never-refreshed are really not that much fun to be around’. 

Holy Spirit fill me and use me for the greater Glory of God. Amen.

‘Your life becomes a kind of abstract package tour, devoid of beauty and meaning. There is such a constant whirr of movement that you never know where you are. You have no time to give yourself to the present experience’. (Divine Beauty: John O’Donoghue)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Here we goat again.🐃


‘I want to go about like the light-footed goats’. (Johanna Spyri)

Magnificent moon, glorious evening, our final stroll before Emily returns to her own place, every road must end. On our way, we dropped by Nancy the goat in her cozy corner, for a brief respite. Peace and calm exuded from her as she stood stately, just being Nancy, the way all God’s animals do best. Nancy loves having her photograph taken, no need for comb and mirror, she knows she’s stunning. Thank you Nancy, you enhanced our final moonlight stroll.

Today, August 16th, exactly seven months later we visit Nancy again. She happily and proudly introduced us to her two charming kids. Nancy has been busy.........

Waterville beach.🏝

‘I stood open-mouthed for nearly five minutes nailed to the floor. I couldn’t believe there could be so much beauty, couldn’t take it all in’. (Etty Hillesum/‘A life transformed)

Waterville beach, dramatic, wide awake in all it’s glory. ‘It is too beautiful, too much’, I share with a fellow beach walker. ‘Hard to know what to do with such grandeur. Thank You God’. ‘Yes’ he replies, smiling warmly, ‘It is a present’. 

‘Thin places’ - where the barrier separating Heaven and earth seems to grow a little thinner - God feels a little closer.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament.🙏🏻☀️


Adoration of The Most Blessed Sacrament in our Church for one whole hour, Monday to Friday! What joy.
In these tumultuous times, sitting at the feet of Christ, drawing much needed strength, comfort, and light. Radiation therapy extraordinare.

Folk drop by for a quick prayer, light a Blessed candle, pray Stations of the Cross, oftentimes oblivious to our Lord and Saviour on Holy Alter. Yes indeed, a quick prayer is valuable, Blessed candle great comfort, praying Stations of the Cross sacrosanct, but Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master, here on the Holy Alter is longing to shower all of us with graces and Blessings, heal us, strengthen us for the journey if we would turn to Him even for a moment.

He loves to be deeply involved in all our undertakings. Jesus knows we need to spend time in His Presence for our lives to be effective. He yearns to build us up, give us hope, fill us with His effervescent Joy. 
               ‘Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest’. (Matthew 11:28-30)

‘Adoration means saying; ‘Jesus, I am yours. I will follow you in my life. I never want to lose this friendship, this communion with you. I am yours, and I ask you, please stay with me always’.
(Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI)

Monday, January 11, 2021

Jesus my elder Brother.❤️

“Find your happiness in serving me, even in the very smallest details. Nothing that is for love is little. Haven’t I been your brother,? Don’t I know human nature and the life of man on earth? You are so used to picturing me as the God in Heaven that you forget how I toiled, suffered from cold, heat, hunger, just as you do”. (Jesus words to Gabrielle Bossis. (He and I)

Forever in my heart, the exact spot in the grounds of our Church where a fuller realisation that ‘yes Jesus you are my brother’ caught me by surprise this morning. On my way to Holy Mass, I was grounded to a halt as the wonder of it all covered me, exquisite pearl of wisdom dropping deeper into my soul, changing everything. I knew it before, but not like I know it now. 

Transcendent ‘Knowing’ , we will never plumb your depths.

Jesus, you are my brother. You are forever by my side, you will never leave me, I am not alone. Wow!!!

‘This morning I left Mass with Christ so new within me, the young yellow trees stood taller as I walked by’. (Rita A. Simmonds)

Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ - Your Son, our elder Brother. Amen.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Life is what you make it....☀️

In four weeks time Killian will be on his way to Vancouver, Please God. I am happy for him, sad for me, we had nine glorious months together, thanks to Corona. We made the most of it, we knew it would come to an end, but the end is never welcome.

Paulina’s tenacity always inspires me, even moreso now since our conversation this morning. When she knew she had to leave South Africa, Paulina decided not to tell her elderly mother until she landed in Ireland. Her mother would be too upset, Paulina might not go through with her plan of action. After a week spent in Ireland she informed her Mom of her whereabouts. For a long while afterwards they both had difficulty eating such was their grief. Nowadays, all is well, they accept their lot. 

Five sisters and one brother in Paulina’s family, four sisters gone to God, leaving Paulina and her brother the only ones alive. The final sister who died was Paulina’s best friend in the whole world. Now she was friendless, forlorn with many troubles, hence her departure to foreign uncharted shores. How Great is our God, how magnificent his schemes and plans. Paulina touches down in Cahersiveen, we meet up in the park one day and the rest is history. 

‘Now I have a friend’, says  Pauline. ‘Me too’, I say. South Africa and Cahersiveen, God has such an extravagant sense of humour. Whenever my heart is pierced, whenever Paulina is troubled, our sharing brings peace and comfort.

Material wealth is easily shared and dispensed with, soul sharing is far deeper, richer, endlessly rewarding. Our children must grow, live their own lives, in the meantime us mothers are alive and well, willing and able to execute our special assignments freshly minted from God’s Holy Hands. 

God gives each of us a vocation and wants us to live it out. The adventure is only beginning.

‘Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing’. (Helen Keller)

Today Friday 4/3/2022, I receive the heartbreaking news that Paulina is gone to God. She died in her little room in the Refugee centre. I am beyond bereft........

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Rossbeigh Beach. 🏝

Rossbeigh beach awesomely breathtaking, magnificent. No amount of photographs enough, no amount too many. Splendour left us speechless, immersed in gratitude and appreciation. 

What a Mighty God we serve.🙏🏻

‘Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; but only he who sees takes off his shoes. The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries’. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Jesus Gladsome Light.💡


If only my window was clean, what an image this would have been and yet it speaks loudly to my deepest heart just as it is. Jesus Gladsome Light shining on the darkness of my brokenness, patching up my wounded spirit, gifting me His strength to keep on keeping on. Jesus said, ‘without Me you can do nothing’. He did not say I could do only a few things, He said ‘I can do nothing’.

‘He who abides in me and I in Him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing’. (John 15:5)

In these harsh days of Corona pandemic, Jesus words shield me from the storm raging all about us. Be of good cheer, God knows what He is about. The experts are doing their level best, they are shattered, thread-bare, in their frantic efforts to subdue the ever rising tide. My heart goes out to each and every one of them. 

Better still, Jesus understands what they are going through, He knows the weight they carry, they are not alone. Would that they believed that it is not all down to their own expertise and knowledge! Jesus, the real expert, has everything under control. If only they would look to Him, walk with Him, their terrible burden would be lightened, they might even sleep at night. ‘He will renew your life and sustain you’. (Ruth 4:15). 

Jesus is standing by, right now, waiting for their call. Would they believe me if I told them........might be worth a try.....

‘When the Sisters are exhausted, up to their eyes in work; when all seems to go awry, they spend an hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. This practice has never failed to bear fruit: they experience peace and strength’. (St. Mother Teresa)

‘It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress, from me comes your fruit. Whoever is wise let him understand these things; for the ways of The Lord are right and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them’. (Hosea 14: 8-9)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Covid Christmas Cheer.🎄

Our town’s sad mournful Christmas lights shining desolate, not a person in sight, bearing no resemblance to what once was before Covid made her unbidden entry into our world. It matters little how brilliantly they shine, without folk, they are drab, colourless inanimate objects. Bleak.

A friendly kitten accompanied me home from Holy Mass, happy and playful, not pining for the pre-Covid mayhem, one tiny bit. He stayed for tea. We were well pleased.

‘“Hope” is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul....(Emily Dickinson)