Saturday, January 30, 2021

It will all fit into a barnacle.💎

Mary is watching Late Late show alone, all others in their beds. I love to hear her voice, she gives me hope in this dark Corona time. When I enquire how she is getting along, quick comes her reply; ‘Suffering away, carrying my cross to Heaven’. She loves tea and her beloved cigarette. ‘We’ll drink tea in Heaven’, she says laughing in delight.

She got her first Corona vaccine today, bit light headed but otherwise fine Thank God. As she bids me goodnight, she wishes me a joyful weekend, typical Mary. No matter how she feels she always desires the best for me. 

That sublime kindness of spirit which emanates from deep suffering, touches my deepest heart warming my bones as the rain pelts my window. She will arise early in the morning for her first cigarette of the day, excitement in her voice palpable. ‘Will you go back to bed again’, I ask. No, she will stay up and have tea, listen to the radio too, she replies. 

Our calm friendship extremely precious, she knows she is welcome at any hour. No matter how many times I tell her, she will never realise her own worth in my life. I go on telling her anyway. 

Mary never dwells on her ‘stuff’ living her ‘story’ with love. One time when I knew she was telling me a half truth and assuring her that she could always tell it to me like it is, Mary replied; ‘You have to tell a lie when the truth won’t suit’. 

In these confusing Corona days we are feeling the pinch, our lives having changed dramatically. Now Mary is ahead on the road of life, we trailing behind. High tide brings up all boats. 

‘The last shall be first and the first shall be last’. (Matthew 20;1-16)

In my youth I recall an elderly lady one time say: ‘ In the end it will all fit into a barnacle’. I had no idea what she was talking about, now I do.🤔

‘Every breath we draw is a gift of His Love. Every moment of existence is a Grace’. (Thomas Merton)

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