Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sacred Book-Ends.πŸ“Ώ

              ‘The Rosary is the most beautiful and rich in graces of all prayers’. (St. Plus X)

Today in Church as I called out St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, Killian joined me for the first time. I was really pleased. Out of the blue, another Holy Rosary in another place at another time danced into my grateful heart making me smile. Holy reminder as I stood in prayer close to Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle.

On the 11th of May 2020, I was extremely unwell. I have no memory of any of it, none whatsoever. On the way to Tralee Hospital Killian suggested I call out Holy Rosary and he would answer the prayers. His thinking being, if I forgot the prayers then I was indeed in big bother. Turns out I did and I was. 

Today’s Holy Rosary continued to the final hymn without a hitch in that peaceful prayerful place, trimmings too. ‘We got our Holy Rosary Killian’, I said afterwards. He looked perplexed - ‘our unfinished fragmented one last May....’, I continued. The penny dropped: ‘Yes we did’, he replied smiling.

What a beautiful gift from God to us both, our new Rosary today, our fragmented unfinished old one last May, two sides of the same coin, circle complete. God’s sublime gift of closure, unexpected, unanticipated, unreal.

‘Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; For all things are possible with God’. (Mark 10:27)

Killian took me to the Docter’s Surgery three times on that fateful day and each time the Docter wasn’t convinced that I was ill. In the end, in sheer desperation Killian said: ‘My mother is a witty snappy lady and this is not Her’. That did itπŸ’‘ Doc gave him the letter he needed and we took off for Tralee Hospital. The rest is history. You some man KilπŸ₯³

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