Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Healing rays.πŸ™Œ

Siobhan is probably Marina’s favourite carer in St.Anne’s, always going that extra mile. This Lockdown is a harrowing one for all of us, I miss my beloved Marina very much, thirteen years we are best buddies. She misses me too. 

I was so pleased when Marina told me in our phone call today: ‘Siobhan is very good to me. She is the best girl in this place’.

Because Marina was ignored and isolated for much of her life, God’s healing rays shine brightly through her brokenness. Marina is caring for Siobhan too. 

She will never see her own dazzling beauty but Siobhan will notice it and be touched deeply as time goes by. I know that for sure!

‘Every one of us will change the world, whether we mean to or not’. (Barbara Brown Taylor)

‘The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people’. (Leo Tolstoy)

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