Monday, January 11, 2021

Jesus my elder Brother.❤️

“Find your happiness in serving me, even in the very smallest details. Nothing that is for love is little. Haven’t I been your brother,? Don’t I know human nature and the life of man on earth? You are so used to picturing me as the God in Heaven that you forget how I toiled, suffered from cold, heat, hunger, just as you do”. (Jesus words to Gabrielle Bossis. (He and I)

Forever in my heart, the exact spot in the grounds of our Church where a fuller realisation that ‘yes Jesus you are my brother’ caught me by surprise this morning. On my way to Holy Mass, I was grounded to a halt as the wonder of it all covered me, exquisite pearl of wisdom dropping deeper into my soul, changing everything. I knew it before, but not like I know it now. 

Transcendent ‘Knowing’ , we will never plumb your depths.

Jesus, you are my brother. You are forever by my side, you will never leave me, I am not alone. Wow!!!

‘This morning I left Mass with Christ so new within me, the young yellow trees stood taller as I walked by’. (Rita A. Simmonds)

Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ - Your Son, our elder Brother. Amen.

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