Monday, January 25, 2021

Alive alive-0🥳

Paulina has Covid, no symptoms Thank God. She has had to pack few of her belongings, leave the refugee centre and stay in a B&B for two weeks. When she was informed of her plight, she could not stop crying. ‘You are one of the few people who will be holidaying in a B& B this year Paulina’, I told her. ‘You are one of the chosen few’. 
Now, almost a week in, she is content, her B&B delightful. Enjoying the peace and quiet, she passes her time writing her book (To be a refugee in Ireland), praying and sleeping. That which initially looked like a death sentence is beginning to feel like a vacation after all. In acceptance there is peace. 

Walking through the park this morning, winter wonderland after a night of heavy frost, I spy elegant waterhen swimming alone in the clear icy water. Full of joy diving under water only to emerge again with a poor unfortunate fish in her beak.

I ring rang Paulina telling her about joyful waterhen; ‘I understand better now’, came Paulina’s quick reply, ‘we must do all that we are able to do while we are able to do it. We are very blessed to be alive, let’s not waste another second. Keep on with your craziness’. 

Real fun is being part of something greater than ourselves, beyond the limits of this world, beyond the limits of ourselves. God’s is always the best way!

Paulina, elegant waterhen, little old me, alive and here but for a brief span in time. No need to wait until conditions are perfect - we have everything we need right here right now to do God’s will for us, in this our day and time. 

My soul elevated on this cold bright morning, enough to make one dance for joy

‘On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined’. (Lord Byron)

‘Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift. There is nothing small in it’.                     (Florence Nightingale)

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