Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Slow down. ⚓️

‘When we devote some calm time to the heart and come off the treadmill of stress and distraction, we can enter into the beauty within’. (Divine Beauty: John o’Donoghue)

One whole day apart from the world every week danced gently into my heart yesterday, just a shiny thing out of the corner of my eye, elusive but lingering. To sit at the Master’s Feet and be refilled seemed obvious, necessary even and yet my racing busy mind could not quite lay hold of the strange concept. Am I allowed such a luxury? Is it a form of escapism? or could it be just what the Docter is ordering right now....Slow down, cover less ground!

This morning, I could have chosen any other book from my bookcase, I could have read any page but page thirty nine, I could have cleaned out the ashes and not read at all. Divine confirmation, no more wondering, all ruminating now over, looks like Tuesday will be my Retreat day. 

It may not always work out but when it does it will be thrilling. Somebody one time wrote: ‘The never-refreshed are really not that much fun to be around’. 

Holy Spirit fill me and use me for the greater Glory of God. Amen.

‘Your life becomes a kind of abstract package tour, devoid of beauty and meaning. There is such a constant whirr of movement that you never know where you are. You have no time to give yourself to the present experience’. (Divine Beauty: John O’Donoghue)

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