Saturday, January 2, 2021

St. Anne’s Holy Rosary.πŸ“Ώ

Monday to Friday, 3 PM, I have been granted the awesome privilege of praying Holy Rosary in our Church live-streamed to St. Anne’s. Selfsame format we prayed and sang together pre-Covid, my precious folk and I. 

Back then, we would sit around, motley crew, enjoying every minute, thanking God and Mother Mary for bountiful Blessings. Laughter figured highly, one time I was gushing about Holy Mass and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. ‘The healing rays from Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament...’ when a dear lady interrupted me saying: ‘The Healy Ray’s?’ (local Politicians)- Just one of our many fun times.

When Corona called a halt to our Holy huddle we were extremely sad. Now, many months later, Father Larry came up with this grand idea and so we are praying together again. With God, nothing is impossible.

My precious folk can see me, I cannot see them, but that matters none. St. Anne’s Residents who are gone to God pray with us from ‘up above’. Elderly and housebound folk join us from their own homes. St. Anne’s Holy Rosary is growing all the time.

To be allowed spend time again with my precious folk is nothing short of Divine, to be the Hands and Feet of Christ nothing short of exhilarating. 

Today as I praised and thanked God for his wonderful assignment, Jack smiling broadly, concretised it all: ‘We prayed Holy Rosary at the grotto, we prayed it in the park, now we’re on television’. Our God is a God of surprise and astonishment, no doubt about it.

‘Holy Rosary is a simple contemplative prayer, accessible to all, great and small, the educated and those with little education. Each time we pray The Rosary, we are taking a step forward towards the great destination of Life’. (Pope Francis)

Today, 17/7/2021, Maureen (90 years) told me she loves our 3pm Holy Rosary. She participates on her iPad and rarely misses it. She particularly loves the final hymn. I told her Willie o’Driscoll gifted me that prayer and wonderful Holy Spirit gifted me the melody. ‘ I was wondering about that’, she replied...‘because sometimes you have desperate airs’. Nothing like a sting in the tail to keep humility in place at all timesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Millie’s Mammy and her son Daniel pray Holy Rosary online with us and afterwards they sleep soundly. The gentle sacred rhythm induces restful sleep, chasing cares away for a time.πŸ™πŸ»

‘Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart’. (Psalm37:4)

Today, 29/10/2021, as I prayed Holy Rosary, just me, not another person in our spacious Church, powerful moment of Grace swept over me. Profound knowing in my deepest spirit that I was really not alone at all. All around me, the whole Host of Heaven as I stood in prayer near Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle. Extraordinary feeling. No words. What a Mighty God we serve.πŸ™πŸ»☀️

This morning Mary informed me that she prays Holy Rosary with us, while she feeds her hen who was born without legs. ‘All creatures great and small’. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯

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