Friday, October 14, 2022

Grateful ❤️

I had just sat down beside Joan in Church when without warning she collapsed cosily onto my lap. Had I not been in that place at that moment, Joan would most certainly have been hurt on the hard cold floor. Perfect timing! (Joan is fine again Thank God.)

Reminding me of a similar incident over twenty years ago. Fast car threw my son Eric onto a parked car. Confused driver took wrong turn it seems. Having spent some time in hospital, Eric returned home minus his spleen. However, Docters assured us that he got off light, thank God. Eric’s aorta by the glorious Grace of God miraculously escaped unscathed.  

Thing is, owner of parked car told me later that he had parked his car just seconds before my son was catapulted through the air and onto it’s bonnet. Had that car not been there, outcome indeed would have been pretty horrendous. Perfect timing!

Pondering how I might articulate my gigantic gratitude right now when my dear friend Eve’s uplifting message from this morning danced into my heart: 

‘Hallelujah! God is good every time, every hour, every minute, every day, every night, all the time’. 

Enough said. Perfect timing! 

Thank you God for EVERYTHING.πŸ™πŸ»

‘Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus’. (Philippians 4:6-7)

‘What prevents us from receiving more abundant graces from God may be quite simply our not being sufficiently grateful and not thanking Him for the graces He has already given us. There is no doubt that if we thank God with all our heart for each grace received especially for the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, He will grant us more. (Fr. Jacques Philippe)

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