Sunday, October 2, 2022

Holy Guardian Angels Feast day.☀️

          ‘For He will give His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways’. (Psalm 91:11)

Frank dropped by to fix my window blind because he ‘happened’ to be in the vicinity, I was expecting him tomorrow. I gifted him the last Rosary beads from my alter, (I love sharing 📿) and imagine if you will our surprise when we realised that attached to the beads was that exquisite ancient prayer we had both learned at our mothers’ knee myriad years ago - and on this special Feast day too.

O Angel of God my guardian dear, to whom God’s Love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

Kindly Frank thrilled to bits with his beautiful Rosary beads. He would have received it tomorrow but how fantastic to be presented with it today on Holy Guardian Angels Feast day. Frank’s visit today was no mere ‘chance’, all was as it should be. Thank you dearest Angels for arranging everything!

I wished with all my heart to take Holy Eucharist and pray Holy Rosary with my dear friend Sheila but was reluctant to encroach. Of late, agonising quite a lot over the matter, I felt in my deepest heart that this was something I was being asked to do - but HOW!!

Wouldn’t you know it, this morning after Holy Mass Sheila’s daughter Mary, linking her dear Mom, approached me. Staggering surprise! Sheila does not normally attend Holy Mass nowadays. We both cried tears of delight, our hearts overflowing with joy. On Tuesday next, Please God, I will take Holy Eucharist to Sheila and we will pray Holy Rosary together. Thank you dearest Guardian Angels for arranging everything!!

Breda has been ill for the longest time. On my way home from Holy Mass her daughter was taking stuff from her car. ‘Please tell Breda that Bridget says hello’, I called out and her daughter told me that Breda is happy and content accepting her situation such as it is. Then to my utter amazement she added: ‘Please feel free to visit if you wish’. Wow!! We had never spoken before in our lives and I was certainly not expecting that thoroughly mind-blowing invitation. One day this week I will visit and pray with Breda. Thank you dearest Guardian Angels for arranging everything!!

No wonder St. Pio would often say: ‘Never forget your Guardian Angel who is always close to you, no matter how badly you treat him’.

How can we ever thank you Father God for our Heavenly helpers, Your beautiful Guardian Angels who minister to us in our need and guide us on the path of salvation.

God our Father you send your Holy Angels to watch over us. Hear our prayers, defend us always by their protection and let us share your life with them forever. Amen

‘Make friends with the Angels who, though invisible, are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs’.          (St. Francis de Sales)

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