Friday, October 28, 2022

Try a little kindness 🌸

‘We do the works, but God in us the doing of the works’. (St. Augustine)

My dear mother-in-law, lovingly known to all of us as GrannyπŸ’ž would always make sure no matter what, (money never in plentiful supply) to have marmalade in cupboard for my breakfast every time we visited with her and grandad. She knew I loved tea, toast and marmalade. Today, myriad years later, here I am enjoying my ‘favourite meal’ all because my lovely daughter-in-law Shona always makes sure there is marmalade in fridge every time I come to call. How beautiful is that!πŸŽ†

When we yearn to bring about that which bestows most joy in another’s heart - then we are loving as Jesus loves.❤️πŸ™πŸ»

‘The melody that you and I are destined to produce on this earth, no one has ever heard before. We are to show forth something of the intense beauty and radiance and Love of the God who lives within us’.           (Fr. Leo Clifford)

‘The Spring has its glory of daffodil gold. When primroses open and green buds unfold. But sometimes I think as I watch the leaves fall that Autumn’s fair days are the fairest of all’.            (Patience Strong)                

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