Thursday, October 20, 2022

Medugorje - where supernatural meets the natural.❤️

5AM this morning we eventually touched down in Medugorje. Flight delayed due to thunderstorms and torrential downpours. Dublin airport jam packed and yet all went smoothly. Folk generous and understanding, moods upbeat, celebratory.

Never having gone through security on my own before, apprehensive to say the least. Beautiful lady called Cliona (customer, not staff member) dashed to my side ushering me through painlessly. She appeared out of nowhere and gone again but not without my prayer! Definitely my Angel and I told her so.

My suitcase held back because ‘steel object’ detected inside. Ryan, air Security guy stood by perplexed, as I opened my case. There in full view for all to see - ‘steel object’ -  my beautiful crucifix. Without thinking I picked it up and said aloud: ‘Look, it is Jesus’. Kindly security guy took it from my hands, kissed Jesus tenderly and returned my beautiful crucifix to me with the words: ‘Thank you very much Madam’. Moving unforgettable experience for both of us.

This evening Holy Mass and Adoration of most Blessed Sacrament out-doors. All of us gathered together under the starry sky adoring and praising our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Lonesome violin tones piercing our heart and soul causing healing tears to fall from our eyes. Indescribably incredibly beautiful. ❤️πŸ™πŸ»

I recognised Christine from her interview with Medugorje Tom on YouTube.πŸ˜„
Many joyful encounters today. In this Sacred sacrosanct space on God’s green earth, I catch a glimpse of Heaven.πŸ’ž

Dearest Mother Mary, Queen of peace, keep our troubled minds at ease. Amen

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