Saturday, November 26, 2022

A Christian is a Christian at all times.🎆

‘If we just keep our eyes on Jesus, we will find ourselves at our destination’. (St. Teresa of Avila)

Recently, having been Sacristan at two weddings, I was surprised and shocked to witness firsthand how barely any of the congregation participate in Holy Mass. Many wedding attendees regular Holy Mass goers but in wedding setting they seem to remain silent alongside the others.  

Frances Hogan said one time: ‘The only one we must preach to is ourself. God will deal with everyone else’.  Bearing that sage advice in mind I will continue answering at any wedding Holy Mass I assist at, even when I’m the only voice, as I was today. Not too loud (as my son Diarmuid pointed out recently) just enough to be heard. Easy to sound thunderous when you’re the only one answering !!

God has entrusted this day and time to us. Everything He expects of us, He supplies. Whatever God commands, He enables.

‘Our true worth does not consist in what human beings think of us. What we really are consists in what God knows us to be’. (St. John Bercchmans)

     ‘There’s a lot of racket following weddings nowadays’, says my friend Joan. She got that right.💡

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