Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Happy day ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿฅณ

‘It’s happened to me a few times recently, in the street or wherever I chance to be. I stop with bated breath for a moment and have to ask myself, is this really my life? So full, so rich, so intense and so beautiful’.
 (Etty Hillesum)

I didn’t know him, gentleman who’s funeral Mass I attended yesterday. At least I thought I didn’t! Then this morning, out of the blue as I was preparing for Holy Mass, he danced into my heart and I recognised him instantly. 

One morning he somewhat abruptly refused my prayer, I remember like it was yesterday. Strange that!! He will be in my prayer always now. Henceforward, when my courage wanes as I offer my ‘Prayer’, I will call to mind gentleman’s unexpected stopover in my heart this morning and I will be courageous again.

Joyful Lynn accepted my prayer. ‘You are a lady after my own heart. I cannot abide folk telling me how to think’, she told me after my own words: ‘I am simply sharing what is in my heart’. When I told her that I was in no position to do such a thing having made myriad poor decisions in the course of my life, she replied: ‘I’m in competition with you there girl!’. Uplifting encounter and the day still young☀️

Today☀️ after a hiatus of almost three years (lockdowns) I got to join my precious folk in St. Anne’s for Holy Rosary and Hymns once again. Whatever I write will come nowhere near how beautiful it felt to be in their midst once more. Some have gone to God since we last prayed together (they are still praying with us of course), some are deeper in Alzheimers and many new members have joined the ranks. I loved every minute of our time together, I am certain they did too.

My ancient compact cottage is beginning to feel bleak right now as winter deepens so how thrilled was I to meet up with chimney cleaner Mike on my way home. ‘Only light small fires’ he told me until he gets to clean my chimney next week Please God. 

One thing renews another!  Immediately I am reminded of Mary and Pat, beautiful folk I was privileged to encounter when I worked in a High-Support Hostel one time. Every mealtime Mary would sit in front of Pat (she knew he choked easily) and over and over would gently repeat the words: ‘Small bites’, ‘Small bites’. Her own meal would be cold and tasteless by the time she got to eat it but that did not concern Mary one tiny bit. Oftentimes I was moved to tears, beautiful Mary and Pat. Enduring power of kindness. (Small fires-small bites๐ŸŽ†)

May the Lord have mercy on their gentle souls. Amen

Noble November. Our dear Holy Souls exceedingly close right now.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the Love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him’. (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)

Dear Marina, beautiful Protestant lady loves to inform folk that her friend Bridget is ‘praying the Rosary with the Catholics๐Ÿ˜‚’. I love my Marina so much❤️๐ŸŒน

This morning, 3/12/2022 - a smiling elderly lady danced into my heart. Yes!! We had many delightful chats and I now realise she is the lady who passed away a few weeks ago. Our Holy Souls do visit us, I have no doubt about it. Dear lady is in my ❤️ & ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป now too. Sacred illumination ๐ŸŽ†

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