Saturday, November 5, 2022

Never alone☀️

‘Every new experience, be it very little or very big, is a growth in the knowledge of life itself. It enlarges our intellectual, spiritual and emotional vision’. (Catherine Doherty)

In Medugorje, I very much missed my dear pal Anne. Even though she may not have been well enough to go about the place, how wonderful it would have been to have had the comfort of knowing I would be returning to her every time I went anywhere. Our final pilgrimage together, Knock Shrine 2016 was just like that, I gallivanting, dear Anne awaiting my return. Precious memories forever in my deepest ❤️.

On this occasion, well and truly out of my comfort zone, fellow pilgrims total strangers from the opposite end of the island of Ireland. They all knew one another, I knew no one. Yet, and most likely because of my huge discomfort at times, I return home with new strength and most definitely sense of independence I had not possessed hitherto. Maybe even more courage in my heart too. 

My neediness is over dear Anne, God rest your gentle soul. Right this minute a letter written fondly by a beautiful Holy lady on the sad passing of my dear mom, many years ago, miraculously tumbles from between the pages of an old book. Timing extraordinaire!!

                               ‘How beautiful and good you are, everywhere O Lord’. (Gabrielle Bossis)

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