Wednesday, November 30, 2022


‘Your being increases in the measure you give it away’. (Bishop Barron)

About to begin praying 3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary this afternoon and a lady came into Church. She hurried on down to the end and lit some candles. ‘Offer her a prayer’ popped into my mind fleetingly but I dismissed the idea and continued on my merry way.

I switched on the sound system and proceeded to the ambo but nothing happened!! Sound system not working. Three times I returned to the Sacristy hoping to figure it out but to no avail. I was literally stopped in my tracks!!

Right then lady walked back up and without thinking I approached and offered her my prayer. Not alone did she accept - she asked if she could please have one also for a friend she was just about to visit in Hospital. I was more than happy to oblige.

I returned to the ambo and miraculously sound system worked perfectly. Gentleman messaged me when Holy Rosary was over and told me it was a ‘beautiful Rosary’.😀

Later I learned from another, (quite by chance🤨) that lady’s friend in hospital is a dear lady I love very much and extremely unwell right now. Had I known it I would have wished with all my heart to do something nice for her. Six years ago she and her husband gifted me wonderful trip to Lourdes. God Bless their big beautiful hearts.

Today through the glorious Grace of God I got to return the compliment. Dear kind lady has my powerful little prayer, all of Heaven are minding her now. Quite incredible how it all worked out fitting together seamlessly. God set the whole thing up.

Thank you Father God for my awesome life adventure. Thank you Jesus for the sublime privilege of being Your Hands and Feet again today, poor unworthy instrument that I am. Thank you Holy Spirit, my primary and constant companion and guide. Amen

‘Be grateful when you are surprised by a sudden illumination. Welcome this light; make it your own. Follow it’s beam as far as it shines. It is a blessing from God’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He&I)

                                                                  Solo Jim🐈 tonight.☔️😀

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