Thursday, December 1, 2022

There is NOTHING happening that He don’t see.☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Wonderful encounter with B on my way to Holy Mass this morning. Offering her my prayer I told her that I was sharing what is in my heart and not preaching anything. Smiling brightly she hugged me tightly, my words obviously resonating in her heart. 

B will return home to her own country this year for Christmas and New Year, first time in many years. She is absolutely beside herself with joy. Super excited she told me; ‘To think I had intended driving this morning but changed my mind last minute. I am so glad, I would have missed all of this’, and she held my prayer close to her heart.

Young friendly shop assistant accepted my prayer with the words: ‘This is lovely’. I love how young folk are so open to my gift, 

Sad Ukrainian lady I have come to know held up her two hands in heart shape and said three times: ‘I love you’. Then she cried, I cried too.๐Ÿฅฒ

Tanye who returned to Ukraine a few weeks ago messaged with the heartbreaking news that her friend’s husband has been killed in the war. He leaves behind two little children. Kiev is suffering horrendously right now. Hearing desperate details first hand is utterly heartbreaking but deepens my resolve to keep on doing the little I can do, whatever the cost.

Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s Dayroom, oasis of peace in the midst of so much trouble and strife. ๐Ÿ“ฟ 

Camos restaurant pretty full but I decided to dine there anyway. So glad I did. Beautiful encounter with friendly folk and yes! they have my prayer now too.

On my way home poor Pat talked at length about his worries and woes. When he finished I said: ‘God sees the big picture Pat. Let’s pray for each other and soldier on’. Pat’s reply summed it all up: ‘Ohh, there is nothing happening that He don’t see’.

Enough said๐Ÿ˜ƒ

                                                              I love my ๐Ÿˆ‍⬛๐Ÿˆ visitors.๐ŸŒŸ

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