Friday, December 16, 2022

Gallivanting ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ‘ฃ

My granddaughter Saoirse off school with chest infection today so we both stayed home cozy and warm in each other’s company. When her Mom returned from work in the afternoon I set off on my travels.

Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament in compact Oratory at rear of main Church, some local folk praying devoutly for Holy Souls as I entered. I recognised the prayer book they were all praying from, I had one some years ago and loved it. ‘I will buy one in the Friary in Killarney on my way home’, I told myself!!

However, before I left that sacred space, a lady gifted me not just one - two, with the gentle wisdom: ‘We pray for Holy Souls here every Friday. You might begin in your own Church’. Kind lady could not possibly have known how dear Holy Souls are to my heart. When I offered to pay, she whispered: ‘No thank you. I love to share these wonderful books’. 

In town I asked a lady for directions to the local Post Office as she sat outside a cafe in the freezing cold. We struck up a conversation and she told me that her male friend who suffers with his mental health is causing terrible problems right now, accusing her of stuff that is simply not true. On top of all that she herself is wracked with anxiety and paralysing fear. Her mom died recently, alcoholic and homeless. 

Oh how my heart goes out to the dear lady, abuse in all it’s frightening forms soul-destroying beyond words. Gratefully accepting  my prayer (‘I would love a prayer’, she actually said), she will pray it every morning and took one for her male friend too. Next time I’m in town could we have coffee she asked. Most certainly we will, God willing.

Every time I decide to have a day of absolutely no ‘prayer sharing’ someone desperately in need comes across my path and my vocation from Father God is copper fastened once more in my heart of hearts.

Long queue in Post Office, frazzled assistant tired but extremely cheerful. She was bowled over when I offered her my prayer. ‘I really need this right now’, she uttered, upbeat and re-energised.

In ‘Homesavers’ I purchased a yellow bus for my grandson Cillian. Turns out it is from his favourite children’s TV program, I had no idea. Beautiful Holy Spirit wisdom covers all manner of things down to the tiniest detail.

Home sweet home๐Ÿ’Ž Thankyou God for everything.


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