Thursday, December 8, 2022


Every day I am privileged to encounter some of my Ukrainian brothers and sisters residing in our town, today Tanye and her grandson. Tanye accepted my prayer and her little grandson thrilled to place my blue rosary beads around his neck. Even though it feels like nothing, my heart is so grateful to God for the chance to lighten their load for a moment in time.

Although our language differ greatly, still our encounters are beautiful. We smile, we sign and oftentimes we cry. So much can be said and understood without words in these terrible times.

My auntie Bridie is enjoying period of rest in St.Anne’s and how thrilled I was to have my very own auntie pray Holy Rosary with us today. When her daughter Loretto received our precious picture, she enquired if her Mom recognised me. My reply: ‘Perhaps not but she liked me a lot.❤️‘

Mike who only last week seemed to be at death’s door prayed full Rosary decade and then with both hands in prayer position whispered: ‘I am so happy to be here’. Dan blind, prays his decade joyfully with laser beam precision. Michael takes his hat off before he begins his decade, such is his profound reverence. Kitty totally deaf, prays aloud whatever is in her heart and many laughs come to pass๐Ÿ˜ƒ. St. Anne’s Dayroom is a happy place to be,

Brendan blind too and probably one of the most contented people I have ever met in my whole life. Adopted from an orphanage way back then, he loves to tell how blessed he feels to have found the kindest most loving family to call his own. Countless others have a much different tale to tell.

I’m just over the moon to be back again in their merry midst after lengthy lockdowns. Patience obtains all things!!

In Church on my way home Sean deep in contemplation accepted my prayer, he liked it very much. Perhaps Sean needed it methinks. I nearly didn’t offer it.....

This evening apple tart, cream and hot tea. Mary, Mario and me.๐ŸŒ 

‘First keep yourself in peace, and then you will be able to pacify others. A peaceable man does more good than a learned one’. (Thomas A Kempis)

☕️ ☕️☕️ 

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