Friday, December 9, 2022

Let go lightly🌟

‘Lord, I want to live each moment by filling it with my love, living each moment with the greatest intensity, just as the Saints in Heaven live their eternity. What counts is not so much how long I live, but how I lived the time I had’. (Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan)

‘If you look for the thing itself, it will disappear. If you just do your duty it will creep up behind you, take you by the hand and say; ‘Here I am’. (Dr. Peter Kreeft)

Beautiful quote from that wonderful gentleman I’ve come to admire so much. Yes, that is truly how it goes, doing what I ought to do, one step in front of the other. Obedience the formula!

As I crunched my way to the bird feeder this morning (blanket of frost covering everywhere) I became acutely aware of how utterly blessed I am to be visited by countless birds every morning, myriad cute tiny colourful ones, doves and of course crows. They delight my heart no end, I fill the feeder and gaze in wonder on them. Oftentimes I try to photograph them but the outcome is always dismal so binoculars at the ready, I feast my eyes and thank God from my deepest heart.

Jim🐈 and Tony🐈‍⬛ arrive each evening for dinner. I don’t know where they’ve been or where they are going, enough that they take time out of their busy schedule to stop awhile. Again, I am enriched by their peaceful presence. This evening they got double-cream as a special treat. (Cats that got the cream😻)

Praying live-streamed 3PM Holy Rosary, just myself in our large empty Church. No way of knowing if I have an audience and having prayed live-streamed Holy Rosary for two years now, my need to know is well and truly over, thank God. More than enough that I have the sublime privilege of praying Holy Rosary near Jesus in Holy Tabernacle three days every week.

Leaving Church, I received beautiful message; ‘I had the honour and blessing of your special Rosary’. 

Life is sweeter by far when we let go lightly!! When we cease striving for that illusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, wonders unfold before our very eyes.

‘Paradoxically, when you don’t grasp at it and say this is it, then alone are you fulfilled by it. But when you try to be fulfilled by it, you aren’t’. (Dr. Peter Kreeft)

                                                               Is it my turn yet🧐🧐🧐🐦


‘Mary is obedient in great and small things; therein lies her greatness’. (Kimberley Hahn)

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