Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Laughter still the best medicine ๐Ÿ˜‚

Legion of Mary meeting this morning in Nun’s Chapel 10AM. I have so come to love and relish this beautiful time of prayer and recollection under the patronage of Blessed Mother Mary, our Heavenly Mother. As a young girl, I was a Legion of Mary member in this Church, a member too for a while when I first went to live in Dublin. Roll on myriad years and now here I am an elder right back where I began. 

Before Holy Mass, three young Ukrainian ladies came into Church. They each accepted my prayer and we prayed it aloud together. One lady worked as a Train Conductor in her country. When time comes for her to return home she will take my prayers and share them with her passengers. ๐Ÿš‚ 

Second lady, a Psychologist and when I asked if she thinks I’m ok - in her professional opinion๐Ÿง - she said :’Yes, you have a big heart. I can feel it’. Good to know๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜€

Third lady a ‘Makeup Master’. ‘Yes’, I told her, ‘I definitely could do with consultation’. 

It sounds like a joke (3 men went into a pub!!) but it happened just as I write๐Ÿ˜€ Even in tumultuous times such as these, joyful encounters from God pop up when we least expect them. Always there is Hope.

Thank you Lord for giving us hope. Lord, May no one rob us of Hope! Thank you Lord because in the darkest moment of your own life, on the cross, You thought of us and You left us a mother, Your Mother. Thank you Lord for not leaving us orphans. (Pope Frances)

Tale from the past๐Ÿ’Ž My friend Eileen and I, teenagers, joined the Legion of Mary many moons ago. We were by far the youngest in the praesidium, the rest elderly (at least that is how we viewed them at the time๐Ÿคจ). Mrs. Howard asked Eileen if she would read aloud an article on Mother Mary from a newspaper cutting. Deep silence as Eileen began to read: ‘4 ways to remove mildew stains from linen’. In her nervousness and panic she had the wrong side up!! 

Poor Mrs. Howard and her friends astonished and alarmed. Eileen and I could not contain ourselves with laughter but Thanks be to God dear ladies understood. Young and giddy - not disrespectful in the least. Wonderful memory๐Ÿ˜ Cracks me up every time it dances into my heart.๐Ÿ˜‚❤️

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