Sunday, April 16, 2023

Divine Mercy Sunday❤️πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Wonderful Divine Mercy Sunday today. At Holy Mass this morning our Ukrainian visitors Orthodox Church celebrating Easter Sunday. Ukrainian lady sang magnificently from Holy Alter, πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ flag draped about her shoulders. Deeply moving. Proving yet again that evil will never have the upper hand. Truth, Beauty and Goodness reign supreme every time!!

Frail lady approached me after Holy Mass: ‘I know you. I pray Holy Rosary on line with you every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I can’t believe I’m seeing you for real. I love how you say after each decade: ‘Save the pre-born’. 

Her son got killed some years back and today is his birthday, she told me sadly. Taking my blue plastic Medugorje rosary beads in her cold hands she uttered: ’I will treasure these’. My heart sang as I shared how precious it is that her boy’s birthday is falling on Divine Mercy Sunday. Day of atonement for all our sins. Glad tidings for this dear frail lady and every single one of us too.

Powerful Prayerful afternoon as we prayed Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, sang hymns. Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament. Sacrament of Confession.

I got to take Holy Eucharist to my home-bound friend this morning. Last night my precious privilege to pray Divine Mercy Chaplet at bedside of my dear friend as he breathed his last. Tom prayed my prayer every morning and not a scintilla of a doubt that all of Heaven held him close right up to his final moment on earth. 

Divine Mercy Sunday extraordinaire!!

‘Mercy is having pains in your heart for the pains of another and taking pains to do something about their pain’. (Fr. George Kosicki).

‘The more we pray - in the sense of living a prayerful life - the more we desire to pray’. 
(Prayer and Ministry/Henri Nouwen)

‘Do not forget prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage. (Fyodor Dostoyevskyi)

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