Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Joyful reminders🎆☀️

‘The Lord did not say: “Convert everybody”, because conversion is His gift. But He did say: “Go to everybody”. (Frank Duff)

On my way to Holy Mass this morning Mary told me that her friend Jack refers to me as: ‘The lady with wonderful colours’. Her words resonated joyfully as I recalled glorious time spent with dear Rosie. Enduring Alzheimer’s, Rosie loved when I wore bright colours, her spirits soared. Because of Rosie I continue my colourful trend, hail, rain or snow. 

Lady, new to our town told me how thrilled she is with her decision to move here permanently. ‘You are all so kind and friendly’, she uttered. Her words resonated joyfully too as I recalled how my Mom would say: ‘You are nice yourself’, every time I told her of someone’s kindness to me. I had no hesitation whatsoever passing on my Mom’s compliment to lady, we too are delighted with her decision.

Eileen brought me back beautiful Rosary beads from her trip to Lourdes. ‘They were made in the Poor Clare Convent’, she told me. Another joyful reminder for me! Seven years ago in Lourdes, I spent almost all my time in that sacred place. Holy Mass every morning. Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament every evening. Elderly priest reposing Blessed Sacrament on a white cloth delighted me as I pictured Jesus Holy Head resting on a cozy cushion. Sublime image remaining forever in my deepest heart.

My friend John dropped by, elated, having enjoyed fruitful counselling session with a good man. ‘I might write a blog’, he told me. I could honestly share with John that his blog need not be ‘word perfect’, a work of art. Offloading his story will not only hugely help him, others might benefit too.

Interesting amazing prayer-sharing today. One extremely funny encounter that can never be shared.😂.

In the economy of salvation, nothing is wasted. Every little life-event will have meaning some day, even the ones we are least proud of. All of them make up the edifice of our life here on earth, a place for everything and everything in it’s place.

Dear Lord, please bring to my mind that wise nugget, next time I cringe at yet another ridiculous thing I said or did! 

‘You can find everything you need in your relationship with me. I provide the foundation on which to build your life, and I myself am LIFE. So the closer you live to me, the more alive you will feel’.                 (Jesus Always/Sarah Young)

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