Saturday, April 29, 2023

Sunny encounter☀️

‘Preach the Gospel with your life - without compromise’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)
‘We are looking to visit your Church’, gentlemen enquired as I returned home this morning. He and his wife holidaying in our town from the Netherlands.

‘We live a secular lifestyle but actually I am a lapsed Catholic’, he told me after a while. Such honesty totally refreshing, perfect segue to my all-encompassing morning prayer. 

Lady read it aloud before happily placing it in her backpack. I offered two but they would take just one because after all - ‘We are a couple!’.

Avid reader, English teacher, gentleman highly recommended a book I will certainly purchase: ‘Irish Journal’, by Heinrich Boll. I suggested he might read a book that has had a profound impact on every aspect of my life: ‘He leadeth me’, by Fr. Walter Ciszek. (‘He leadeth me’ - Audiobook YouTube)

Another unforgettable prayer-sharing encounter, I told my Netherlands friendly folk, as we parted company. I walked on home pondering in my heart how very much poorer my life would be without my beautiful morning prayer and all it entails.

‘Know that the greatest service that man can offer to God is to help convert souls’. (St. Rose of Lima)

                                                            Diarmuid’s  Birthday today 🌺⭐️❤️

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