Friday, April 28, 2023

God’s Blessings..πŸ™πŸ»☀️

I begin this day and all things: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Kitty and I chatting in the sunshine as motorbikes sped past. Like I always do, I made the sign of the Cross, I blessed myself. (That is exactly what happens when we make the sign of the cross  - we give ourselves a Blessing !!)

‘Why did you do that’, Kitty asked and I told her that always I make the sign of the Cross for motorcyclists asking God to please watch over them and keep them safe. Sometimes a biker will make the sign of the Cross too in recognition of my action. 

I love Kitty’s reply: ‘I do that for aeroplanes’. Every time she hears an aeroplane in the sky, Kitty Blesses herself, invoking God’s Blessings on everyone on board..

Ambulance and fire brigade too. We make the sign of the Cross every time sirens scream. 

I love to say: ‘God Bless you’, when someone sneezes. Oftentimes folk are shocked but always grateful for a Blessing.

I learned today that oftentimes Mother Teresa would make the sign of the Cross on her lips, particularly when not sure how to respond in times of trial. Definitely something I intend to take up from now on. 

Yesterday, group of us about to have tea and scones before the meeting began, I asked: ‘Do you mind if we say Grace’. Nobody refused, in fact all were delighted with the idea. Had they refused, I would have accepted gracefully and moved on. Ask anyway!!

Almost forgot!! At the close of all telephone chats with friends and family the following prayer is always prayed:

‘O Angel of God my guardian dear. To whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day/night be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Myriad ways to lift one another up in these trying and testing times we find ourselves in. To quote John O’Donoghue: ‘Our times are desperate for meaning and belonging. May we realise our power to bless, heal and renew each other’.πŸ™πŸ»

‘No one prays for himself, not even a hermit. He exists for others….. He belongs to everyone, and so he must share not only his food but his thoughts, the graces that God may give him and above all, himself’.     (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

‘We shall be happy only when we know fully with both our minds and hearts - The Father who gives truth, the Son who lives this truth, and the Holy Spirit through whom we are joined to the truth’, 
(St. Agustine)

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