Sunday, April 23, 2023

Road trip πŸš™ 🚘

When Sheila called wondering if we might take a road trip this afternoon, a memory from over forty years ago danced into my heart. I love when that happens!

Jen and I worked in the office of a Catering Company in Dublin. One day in the midst of yet another interesting discussion on life and faith, she quipped wryly: ‘I can just see you telling God: “Please don’t give me cars and all that ‘stuff’ but make sure I have friends with cars coz I’ll need to go places sometimes”. 

I never forgot Jen’s words, they rang true forty years ago and even moreso today. I still don’t wish for cars and all that ‘stuff’  but I love road trips and Father God has certainly kept His word up and down the long years. I have wonderful friends with cars!!

Today’s road-trip superb as always.☀️

‘Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart’. (Proverbs3:5)

Ballinskelligs beach beyond beautiful πŸŽ†

                                                            Dear Joan happy and content ☀️

                                                                    From a distance….

   ‘Beauty and creativity liberate the spirit and bring peace’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

                                                                     Road trip πŸš— 12/9/2023

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