Sunday, April 9, 2023

“He is risen!”. “He is risen, indeed”. ☀️🙏🏻

 ‘Lo, Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb. Lovingly He greets us, scattering fear and gloom’.                           (Thine be the glory/hymn)

Two Sacristans already in Church this sublime sacred morning, so I dashed home to cook breakfast for Ruairi before he headed back to Maynooth. I miss him already but both of us thanking God from our deepest heart for precious delightful time together.

As I rounded the corner, two ladies came walking towards me. Taking two prayers from my coat pocket (Holy Spirit prompt earlier!), I uttered; ‘Easter Sunday. May I share this beautiful ‘morning prayer’ with you both’. Glorious encounter ensued on this holiest of days.

‘We were meant to meet’, they both said, surprised and delighted.

Had I know I wasn’t needed in Church this morning, I would have happily stayed home. What a shame that would have been!!

God of glory, You have broken the chains of death and hell. Fill us all with Hope and Faith for the way of life stands open in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Delicious Easter egg from my good friend John.🎆

This evening my precious privilege to lead Holy Rosary (Glorious mysteries) at the wake of my dear friend Michael RIP. Always deeply moving but today, Easter Sunday, unutterably so.📿🌠


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