Thursday, June 8, 2023

Feast of Corpus Christi ☀️

‘Can you seek me and not find me? Here or there, am I not always waiting for you? Since I love you so dearly, just let yourself be loved and come to meet My love. Then it will really be Corpus Christi, My feast’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I)

Feast of Corpus Christi today. Particularly perfect words for us all on this most precious of days.

On my way to Holy Mass, young guy with many struggles sitting beside his anxious Mom on a bench outside the Courthouse, awaiting his turn to face the music. Mom astonished but so grateful seeing her boy accept my prayer in the nick of time. Putting his cigarette down, he prayed it aloud there and then. ‘Thank you Bridget’, he uttered with deep sincerity. His mom close to tears brought tears to my eyes too as I walked away. Young guy and I have exchanged pleasantries many times, his shady lifestyle no secret.

I never ever go by the Courthouse on my way to Holy Mass, but this morning I needed to drop something to a friend. Running late I even contemplated visiting her later and Thank God I did not. Divine providence!!

Feeling confident and upbeat I then offered my prayer to two guys standing near their Harley Davidsons. One guy smiled, other guy muttered gruffly: ‘No’. First guy, smiling sadly, then replied: ‘No’ too.

Win some. Lose some!!

One million prayer refusals today could not possibly dampen deep delight in my heart, witnessing young guy near courthouse pray my prayer in his hour of need. As my friend Chris reminds me oftentimes: ‘No insults taken!’.

‘Millions and millions and millions of children in the world - how could God be concerned with that little child in the slums of Calcutta. To send that medicine, to send that man just at that time, to put that medicine right on the top and to send the full amount that the Docter had prescribed. See how precious that little one was to God Himself. How concerned He was for that little one’.                                          (St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta).

‘With what shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before God on high? He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God’. (Micah 6:6-8)

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