Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Road-trip πŸš—☀️

‘’My hope is in The Father. My refuge is The Son. My shelter is the Holy Spirit. O Holy Trinity, Glory to You. Amen (St. Joannicus)
We pulled into the first available filling station. Guy standing beside his car so Sheila asked if he might know why little red light was flashing on our dashboard. American accent, he kindly checked and replied: ‘One door is not shut properly’. I opened and shut my door again, hey presto! red light disappeared.

As we thanked gracious gentleman, Sheila whispered to me: ‘Will you offer him a prayer’. (It crossed my mind fleetingly but had decided against it). Gentleman, not alone joyfully accepted my prayer but smiling excitedly holding up the prayer, declared: ‘This is not a mistake. I will not go into it right now but this is not a mistake!’ 

Spontaneously, on the spot, all three of us thanked wonderful Holy Spirit for our blessed encounter, Sheila’s timely prompt πŸ™πŸ» and allowing us to be part of something so incredibly beautiful. Real moment of Grace.

Ruairi’s Confirmation prayer (from twenty seven years ago) danced merrily into my heart:

Holy Spirit, giver of light and life. Impart to us thoughts better than our own thoughts, prayers better than our own prayers, and powers beyond our own powers. That we may spend and be spent in the way of love and goodness after the perfect image of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Pleasant guy stood holding hotel door as we entered and of course we thanked him with a prayer. When I shared with him that as he prays this prayer every morning, all of Heaven are minding him all day long, he uttered surprised and smiling: ‘Thank you very much. I really need somebody to mind me right now’.

Day of heartwarming unforgettable encounters. Our riveting road-trips which began more than fifty years ago are gathering momentum all the time. 

What a Mighty God we serve☀️ Let us get out there and share the good news coz it is good news for many many people in difficult struggles.

‘Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength’. (St. Philip Neri)

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