Sunday, June 4, 2023

Knock shrine☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘The Blessed Lady, Mother of our Saviour, may well be called a morning, since before her there was none without sin. After her the most clear sun Christ Jesus showed His light to the world’. 
(St. John Fisher)
6.30AM bus to Knock Marian shrine, Co. Mayo. Wonderful day of pilgrimage. Holy Rosaries en route, hymns too. Laughter and chat, breakfast and dinner. Every minute memorable!

In Basilica, Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme (Nigeria) delivered riveting talk on his people’s struggles at the hands of Boko Haram. One evening while Bishop Oliver was praying his rosary, broken and beaten, Jesus appeared to him in a vision holding a sword which miraculously transformed into a Rosary beads when Jesus extended it towards Bishop Oliver  Extremely moving account on the all-powerful power of Holy Rosary.๐Ÿ“ฟ

Beautiful Blessed Sacrament chapel. Fixing wide-eyed gaze on Monstrance. Let us be carriers of Christ wherever we go.☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Thrilled to finally catch-up with Bernadette Smith/ Precious Life, ceaseless champion for the unborn. Accepting my beautiful morning prayer, she told me: ‘We will pray this with our morning prayers from now on’.☀️
                                                         There is something about Mary.❤️

Forty six prayers shared. Awesome encounters, all of them remaining in my heart and prayer for posterity. Had Chris not invited me for tea after Holy Mass on Friday and in the process invited me to Knock, I would have happily stayed home resting after marvellous Medjugorje. As always, Holy Spirit had other lavish plans far surpassing my own puny paltry ones!!

(Owen would not have received Holy Spirit prompt: ‘My Grace is with you right now!!’ had I stayed home and oh how much he needed to hear those wise words).

Lord, take me where you want me to go. Let me meet who You want me to meet. Tell me what You want me to say…..and keep me out of your way. Amen

                                                              Almost home Thank God.☀️๐ŸšŒ๐Ÿ“ธ

‘The life of a Christian is a Prayer. We are like diamonds shining in many different ways. Each facet has been polished by God. Our very being renders glory to Him. The simple fact that we are baptised in the death and resurrection of Christ is enough to make us a Prayer’.                                                      (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

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