Wednesday, June 21, 2023

O happy day☀️

Joy is very quiet. It is like a light that shines in the darkness. My joyous moments begin when I wake up. I have the habit of saying, even while I am half asleep, three words: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph”. Then, while the bed is still warm and I am only half awake, joy comes to me every morning with the incredible thought that God has granted me another day to love Him and to serve Him’.                                              (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

Catherine’s words resonate deeply in my heart of hearts.❤️

Five years ago today my beloved glass of merlot (metaphorically) tumbled off the table shattering into one million tiny fragments, never to be put back together again. That is the only way I can articulate my sublime surprise healing which occurred in the Sacrament of Confession in Knock Shrine. 

Forevermore my shackles are gone, Beautiful Jesus set me free in the person of His Holy priest. (Blog: ‘Confession is good for the soul’/Jan29th 2020)

On that fateful afternoon I knew almost immediately that something amazing and life-changing had taken place. Today, five years onwards, I know so much more!! I can declare categorically without question or doubt that for me at least, alcohol was a joy-squasher, a terrifying thief of light and life☀️

‘So if Jesus sets you free, you will be free indeed’. (John 8:36)

‘Thou hast loosened my bonds’. (Psalm 115:16)

‘When we die to something, something comes alive within us’. (Fulton J. Sheen)

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