Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Splendour in the ordinary🌟

                  ‘If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit’. (Galatians 5:25)

While preparing Holy Alter for Holy Mass this morning, six wonderful young folk from the United States entered Church. Just graduated high school, warm, friendly, funny too. They accepted my prayer with dancing delight beaming from their innocent eyes. Unforgettable.

This afternoon heading off once again to pray 3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church, I noticed there was only one prayer left in my bag, I needed to do some more! I actually spoke aloud: ‘ I wonder who will receive this last one Lord?’.

Delightful encounter as it turned out! Praying Holy Rosary and young lady carrying her helmet (biker) came and knelt in pew prayerfully. Young man with helmet joined her too but didn’t remain for long. As she got up to leave shortly before it ended, I went to my bag in sacristy (livestream still on!) and finding my last prayer, returned and handed it to her. I knew I was being watched but I knew too that my last prayer was meant for young biker lady. No doubt!

Visibly thrilled, ‘I loved every minute’, she told me joyfully. We hugged, waved goodbye and  I returned to finish Holy Rosary. 

Afterwards I received a funny text: ‘’You’re on fire girl. Not everyone can multitask so effortlessly’.😂

‘Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength’. (St. Philip Neri)

‘When good thoughts come into our minds, it is the Holy Spirit who is visiting us. The Holy Spirit is like a gardener cultivating our souls. He brings out good desires in a pure soul, as the dove hatches her young ones. We should say every morning: “O God, send me Your Spirit to teach me what I am and what You are”. (St. John Vianney)

Easy to document but out of the question to articulate how encounters like the above (and many more which occur every day), truly fill my heart. Unutterable! Words cannot be found!!
Cardinal Robert Sarah’s wise words come to mind: ‘Words spoil anything that surpasses them’☀️

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