Sunday, June 18, 2023

Let us walk the road together 🌺☀️

‘He will make sure that you will always have all you need for yourselves in every possible circumstance, and still have something to spare for all sorts of good works’. (9 Corinthians:10)

‘Lord, You always seem to ask more of us. We must be fools about money; we must give away whatever we don’t really need. We must be detached from it and rely on You. Here is where foolishness becomes interchangeable with wisdom’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

Countless displaced folk on this earth in this our day and time. Profound privilege ours, walking with them sharing our wares. God owns everything, we merely His stewards!!

Twenty years ago my family and I returned home to my own place of birth, windswept and highly uninteresting. Beginning again in a strange and foreign land. At that time, had just one person suggested to me that in our plight we were not just ‘taking’, we were ‘giving’ too, how my harried heart might have been comforted, my journey lighter, tad brighter. On the contrary it never once crossed my mind that we had any tiny thing to offer, so great and grievous our need.

Now, many years later I see it all in a completely different light. We were not empty-handed back then and neither too are our displaced brothers and sisters now. Every single person is unique, bearing their own personal gift and talent. 

With all my heart I wish every displaced person would imbibe into his/her spirit what I know now to be totally true: ‘You are not useless. Be patient, rest awhile after your long arduous journey. Soon you will be standing again on your own two feet and when that glorious time comes around, you will experience the unutterable joy of reaching out and lifting another back up on to his/her own two feet’. 

That is how the story goes! God grant us grace and courage to respond. Amen

‘Follow on, for the open road is waiting, like the song - we will welcome what tomorrow has to bring.             Be it fair or stormy weather, take my hand and we’ll walk the road together.                                                    I won’t mind - if it turns out that we never find the end..                                                                                    For all I ask is that you want me for a friend’. (Follow on/Paul Brady🎶)

‘Professing truth and love, we will in all things grow into Him who is the head, Christ. From Him, the entire body, joined and held together by every ligament, continues to grow and to build itself up in love, as each part performs its particular function’. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

Today (2/9/‘23) I am beyond thrilled to share with my friends from distant shores what Richard told me one time when I thanked him yet again for his kindness to us in our time of trouble: ‘It is a terrible thing to be eternally grateful to one person’.🌟

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