Saturday, March 14, 2020

Benefits of Solitude.☀️

Benefits of Solitude - Spending time alone with God.  (Pastor Charles Stanley)

God makes our busy days more fruitful.
God repairs the damage of stress.Time of Solitude drains all the stress out. God refuels us emotionally.
Solitude equips us to face the tough days, confidently and assuredly.
Surprising moments when God gives us answers.
God strips us of all pride. Gently we recognise that everything we have is from Him.
The fact that God, all powerful and mighty desires to be with us, takes our pride away.
God will protect our health. He is the real physician. All the rest are practicing.
A sense of peace, joy and confidence. God stills our hearts, quietens our spirits and makes us over-comers, no matter what we are facing in life.
When we practice solitude, there’s a greater strength from God and a greater trust in God. A deeper relationship with God too.

Do you want peace in the midst of storms? Do you want quietness and joy, when turmoil is all around you? This is the avenue, stress is the killer. Solitude is the Life Giver.

‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing’. (John-15:5)

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