Friday, March 27, 2020

We don’t know what God knows..🎁

First winter in our creaky compact cozy cottage, visitors dropped by, unannounced. Slugs. They remained in one room only, not in the least inquisitive.  To put a substance down that would endanger them definitely not an option. I would take Mr. Slug outside in a piece of tissue, sad for his wasted arduous journey. (or maybe Mrs.Slug...🀨)

After some time lightbulb moment, I would accept them. If they would be gone on their merry way every morning then we would abide one another and so it was for some time.

Then, one day the dirt track outside our door was replaced with a pristine tarred road, complete transformation! Consequently my visitors could never again drop by, they had no choice but remain underground. Pristine tarred roads don’t impress slugs much.😌

Likewise, I am accepting my life as it is now, in this time of Corona virus, with acceptance comes peace. I keep my distance respectfully doing my utmost to be available at all times to friends and anyone who needs me, Jack and I pray Holy Rosary at the marina every afternoon. Holy Bible as opposed to news updates.

I suggest we prayerfully read Psalm 91 each day, the four Gospels at least once before we die. I share the marvellous things God has done and continues to do in my life. 

The media would want us all on high alert, worrying and fretting in these tumultuous times. My slugs taught me otherwise though, keep walking, one step in front of the other, do the next right thing.

What may seem like a wasted journey may be anything but!! Time will tell. We don’t know what God knows.πŸ•―

‘Nothing in life is to be feared. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less’.
 (Marie Curie)
When the day is over, may I know within my heart.
 that I’ve tried to do my duty and have played my part. 
Given all I had to give and followed faithfully - 
on the path where I believed Thy Hand was leading me. 
(Patience Strong)

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