Thursday, March 12, 2020


My beautiful Ann’s daughter asked if I would say a few words at her Mam’s funeral Holy Mass. I scribbled on an old used envelope, it was all I had. The words came easy from my deepest heart.

Afterwards, a young man approached me. Shame and guilt consume his every hour, he tells me gravely. I share with him beautiful interior wisdom I received from Holy Spirit. Our Beautiful Mother Mary, stands always by the Cross of Jesus, her Beloved Son. Jesus is the antidote to shame. Place your shame and guilt in a box and hand it to Mother Mary, She will hand it personally to her Beautiful Son, Jesus. Leave the box with Jesus and Mary for 24 hours, longer if you wish, you are granted many extensions. Jesus never refuses His Beloved Mother. Be at peace, knowing all is well.

The young man listened intently. Much later as we parted company, I asked - ‘Do you think you will try this’. Smiling, he replied - ‘I don’t think I will, I know I will’.

My beautiful pal RIP, my own searing grief, a young man finds peace. In the economy of Salvation, nothing is wasted.

‘Death is nothing but going home to God’. (Saint Mother Teresa)
Last night (16/7/21) I dreamed that Ann and I were walking. She looked so well, back to her former self, Parkinson’s nowhere to be seen. I said to her; ‘I miss Ann terribly’. ‘Oh I don’t know Bridge’, she replied, beaming so bright. I stood with delight and said; ‘Oh - you mean she’s gone nowhere...πŸ˜€’....all the while Ann smiling like a thousand suns. Then I awoke....πŸ•ŠπŸ˜€

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