Thursday, March 26, 2020

I saw Jesus❤️

‘Oh if I could make everyone know and see how beautiful is my Jesus’. (St. Gemma Galgani))

‘We look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen: for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal’. (2 Cor:4:18)

I fell asleep extremely downcast, family member in deep turmoil. Next morning, before dawn, my eyes still closed, I saw Jesus with the eyes of my heart. Even now, five years later, it seems so surreal, yet I speak the absolute truth.

His Kind Beautiful Face, His hair as it is always portrayed. His beautiful red smock-like outfit sparkling just like the Atlantic Ocean on a sunny day in my childhood. That really took my attention. ‘Our good Lord, so absolutely to be revered, makes Himself familiar and kind to us’. 

Jesus, with open Hand, pointed to my heart and back to His own Beautiful Heart. As I type these words, I am reliving that Sacred moment again. St. Margaret Mary said that when Jesus pointed to His Heart before her, He was talking about the Great Love in His Heart for each and every one of us.

My words fall short - far too short, no matter how many times I write and rewrite. ‘Words spoil anything that surpasses them’. (Cardinal Sarah). I guess some words are better left unsaid, yet I long to share that precious moment from God. Thankyou Jesus for your Beautiful Visitation, I shall follow you every day of my life.
‘I saw Jesus Christ, so gorgeous, no human heart could imagine what I saw. On God’s graceful hands and feet were the gracious wounds He suffered because He loves us. From these magnificent wounds poured out a light so great, it was stunning. It was as if all the beauty of God’s Divinity was shining through it’.
(Marguerite d’Oingt)

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