Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Guardian Angel. πŸ˜‡

‘Every day, every hour we can thoughtlessly fall aside and miss the way. For this reason God gives us the Angel at our side so that at all times we may have his light as our guide’. (Mother Gabrielle)

I was being lifted onto the pavement and safety, oncoming speeding car missing me by a hair’s breadth. ‘You are my Angel, How can I thank you’. I told the young man who saved my life. ‘It is no problem’, he replied, smiling. ‘God Bless you’, I said. ‘God Bless you too’, my beautiful gentleman replied, as he walked away.

I rang my dear friend Eileen to tell her what had just happened and before I could utter one word, she said: - ‘I was just thinking this very minute, how devastated I would be if anything ever happened to you’. Not at all like Eileen to say such a thing.

That evening, Ruairi called me from Maynooth. ‘I’m delighted you’re alive’, he said. How could he possibly have known?  He didn’t!  He called to tell me that on his way from work, he visited a church and a funeral was taking place. He was flabbergasted when he noticed that the deceased lady’s name was the exact same name as mine - his Mother. I told him my story and to say we were both awestruck is most certainly an understatement! 

Thank you Father God from my deepest heart, every day I glimpse a little more, the wonder and supreme gift my precious life is. Thank you for my always vigilant angel, who never takes his eyes off me.

Thank you, dearest angel, for the occasion I speak of and many more besides. 

‘Continuously ask your angel for help, your Guardian Angel has to become your best friend’.
 (Blessed Carlo Acutis)

‘For He will give His Angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone’. (Psalm 91:11-12)

‘Every day, every hour we can thoughtlessly fall aside and miss the way. For this reason, God gives us the Angel at our side, so that at all times we may have his light as our guide’. (Mother Gabriele)


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