Monday, March 23, 2020

Holy Ground.πŸ•―πŸ™πŸ»

Holy Mass on my iPad. Entrance hymn - ‘This is Holy Ground’. Pre-COVID, I was asked not to sing that hymn at Holy Mass, some parishioners objected to it, it made them feel uncomfortable. Well, if we really did believe without question or doubt that we are indeed standing on Holy Ground, then our behaviour would have to radically change. We would be confronted with the Sacred task of being reverent, our dress code appropriate to the Sacred ambiance of this sacrosanct Holy Ground. 

Holding concerts in this Sacred Place would seem gross, unless of course they were conducted in total prayerful reverence. I never attended such concerts but I was told one time that the ‘performer’ happily informed his audience - ‘Dance if you wish - there is plenty of room’. Hubris extraordinaire πŸ˜”

‘Oh, if only all souls knew who is living in our Churches, there would not be so many outrages and so much disrespect in these Holy places’. (St. Faustina).

God’s time is NOW. He is reclaiming His Holy Ground. Theo Drama versus Ego Drama. Kairos versus Chronus. If we thought we were running the show, we might need to rethink.....

‘For who sees anything different in you, what have you that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a Gift’. (1 Cor: 4-7)

‘With what humility should we assist at Holy Mass, if we realised that our Guardian Angel was kneeling beside us, prostrate before the majesty of God! With what eagerness should we not ask Him to offer our prayers to Jesus Christ’. (The Cure D’Ars)

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