Thursday, March 26, 2020

Corona has changed everything.🌿

Praying Holy Rosary in the beautiful sunshine on this park bench, is not that bizarre anymore, Corona has changed everything, we are living in a time of ‘forced reflection’. Praying has become acceptable, maybe even cool.

Corona is not a welcome guest in our wounded world but she has not arrived empty handed. There’s a calmness, a kindness, a caring gentleness about the place. A relaxation like never before.

‘Whatever is given can always be reimagined.’ (The Settle Bed/Seamus Heaney)

We are too concerned in these tumultuous times to waste one moment in judgement of another. We have enough to do to mind ourselves, as my dear Mom would oftentimes say, in the sunny long ago.

‘Now I am grown up and have time for nothing but the essentials’. (Thomas Merton)

“Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened “. (Alexander Solzhenitsyn said of the tragedy of the 1917 Russian Revolution)

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