Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Diarmuid’s Birthday.🎁

My third son, Diarmuid, kind caring young man, insight beyond his years, made his grand entrance into our lives twenty nine years ago today, explosion of joy.

At that time too his father’s alcohol problem was beginning to become just that - a problem. Sleepless nights, fearful days. Eventually, we moved to another county where we were free and safe. We lived in a tiny house, close to each other at all times and little by little our nerves relaxed, our fears subsided. We settled into our new normal, life gradually changing from black and white to bright colour.

Diarmuid, a verbal architect had many mountains to climb and to see him now fills my heart with gratitude to God for Blessings in abundance.

Today, we have another new normal, lockdown. No Birthday bash, we talk and laugh on the phone, we do not feel deprived, our deep love for each other makes separation bearable. We will all be together soon, le cunamh De, there is no such thing as false hope. As Gandalf said - ‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us’.

Thank you, Dearest Jesus. Step by step, you never leave our side.

Happy Birthday, dear Diarmuid. Thankyou for choosing me to be your Mom. God could confer on me no higher honour.

‘On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined’. (Lord Byron)

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