Monday, April 13, 2020

God owns all. We are His stewards.😌

‘Someone has remarked that Saint Pope John Paul 11 taught us more from the wheelchair than from his fourteen encyclical letters’. (Cardinal Arinze)
Corona is claiming the lives of our precious elders, my favourite people in the whole wide world. God is taking them home, He knows best. When our country labels ‘abortion’ as health care, when the life of a tiny baby is endangered by our selfishness, when human life became ours to do with as we wish, God can no longer stand by and watch.

When, in the name of progress, in the future, our elderly would be deemed a drain on our resources, when it would be a ‘Health care’ initiative to remove them permanently, when euthanasia would be the only sensible option, God can no longer stand by and watch. God is taking them home, God knows best.

God owns all, we are His stewards. We didn’t care to remember, we are being reminded now.

‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’. (Martin Luther King Jr.)
‘This culture applies the “death penalty through abortion and “hidden euthanasia “ of the elderly through  neglect and maltreatment, when in fact the elderly are the seat of wisdom of the people’. (Pope Frances)

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