Monday, April 27, 2020

The Best is yet to come.☀️

Maurice is gone home to God, kindly compassionate gentleman who loved animals. Killian and I stopped to chat with Maurice a few days ago and he was not in good shape.  His beautiful face creased in pain, pallid complexion. ‘God Bless you both’ - his parting words to us, words etched on our hearts forever, in letters of gold.

Oftentimes I would say to Maurice  - ‘We will not realise how wonderful it is to be alive Maurice, until we are here no more’. He always replied - ‘I wonder Bridget, maybe you’re right’. 

‘Every breath we draw is a gift of His Love, every moment of existence is a Grace’. (Thomas Merton)

Am I right Maurice? Are all our earthly sufferings nothing at all, when compared with what God has in store for us? Your beautiful gentle smile echoes a resounding ‘Yes’  in my heart.

When we get to Heaven, when we see what Jesus has prepared for us, we will be speechless with tears of Joy and contentment for all Eternity. We believe this in our deepest spirits, it is no fugitive dream, no forlorn hope. What comfort and encouragement as we traverse the terrain of this tumultuous world.

‘Eye has not seen nor has ear heard what God has prepared for those who love Him’.                                (1 Corinthians 2:9)

‘No wonder the Scripture and the Liturgy are full of injunctions to us to lift up our hearts, ‘Sursum corda’. We lift them up to The Lord. He is there, awaiting us, and by His Holy Spirit, He is here accompanying us too. Let us hasten, then, to Mount Zion with singing’. (Thomas Howard)

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