Monday, April 6, 2020

Peace is it’s own reward. (Mahatma Gandhi)☀️

Holy Week, unlike other years, this year there are no distractions, I can accompany Jesus like never before. Many memories emererging in this Corona calm, space and time to ruminate. 

Way back then, we moved into our little rented house, Diarmuid, Killian and I and after much turmoil, we felt safe, we could sleep at night, in bad need of rest and renewal. After some time neighbours began to wonder aloud - Would I get a job? Would I buy a house?. I got a job, I bought our little cottage. 

Pretty soon we were out of ‘relax’ mode and never again could we reclaim that God-given hiatus of rest and renewal. God meant for us to enjoy this time but we listened to others and ignored Him.

This time though I will listen to God alone. Corona is not giving me this time of peace, Corona cannot take it away. God is the giver of all good things, this too He will turn to good. 

I participate in Holy Mass on my iPad, I pray for the Holy Souls, I love my Bible, I pray Holy Rosary, I write.

I smile and laugh the way Jesus taught me how when I was at my lowest. I pass on Jesus beautiful words of encouragement to those who can’t hear Him at this time. I accompany Jesus best by doing what I am asked to do, right here right now.

‘Lord, help me to make the time today, to serve you in those who are most in need of encouragement and assistance’. (St. Vincent de Paul)

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