Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter ☀️

                                                               The Lord is risen, Hallelujah.
I am remembering another Easter Sunday way back in the sunny long ago. All eight of us siblings walking to the beach, short distance from our humble loving home. A lady emerges from her house presenting us with a box. Inside, eight dainty Easter eggs. 

The joy that lady placed in our hearts that Easter Sunday will forever remain in my deepest heart. I can still see the wrapping clear as crystal in my mind’s eye. Delightfully shiny, brimming with promise.

Today, Easter Sunday 2020, is brimming with promise too, all darkness is gone. Jesus is risen. Our morning is turned into joy, our tears to dancing.

‘The peace of Easter is the peace that comes from knowing that the thing people had feared most, the end of life, annihilation, death, really holds no fear at all’. (Servant of God Walter Ciszek)

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