Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Master polisher.πŸ’Ž

My heart is full as I contemplate the goodness of God. Replete with my brokenness, He chose me to be His Hands and Feet in St. Anne’s Nursing Home every day, as we prayed Holy Rosary, sang and danced in that precious Sacred Space. Supreme privilege of being allowed pray Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the bedside of the dying. A beautiful lady gave me the title - ‘Final polisher’.

The Lord recycles garbage, I gave Him my pittance, He did the rest. In these Corona days I cannot be in the Nursing Home but I do not lose Hope.  God is ‘The Master Polisher’. Our dignity and value does not come from what we do, it comes from who we are, sons and daughters of God. 

I wait on the Lord in peace and joy. He will tell me His plans when the time is right.

‘We must act only for God and put our works into His Hands’.  (St. John Vianney)

When all fruit fails, welcome haws.

“God”, said the Cure D’Ars, “has shown me this great mercy, that He has given me nothing on which I could rely, neither talent, nor wisdom, nor knowledge, nor strength, nor virtue. When tempted to despair I have only one resource: to throw myself at the foot of the Tabernacle like a little dog at the feet of his master”.  

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