Monday, April 20, 2020

Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy.☀️

These days, any time I feel like giving up, something wonderful occurs to shake me out of my despondency, our God is a God of surprises and wonder. My friend Don is passing from this world,  I wish I could be with him but Corona says no. Dee can be with him, she has been his companion through it all. 

Don loved to join us for Holy Rosary. He loves our Blessed Mother and would sit in our Holy Rosary space, content and serene lost in time. Dee’s faith died away bit by bit over the years, when she realised it was gone, she saw no need to revive it

Today, Dee is praying at Don’s bedside, it is the new normal. Dee is happy to be there for Don, God is happy to be there for Dee. Mother Mary doesn’t ask God for much, She asks God for everything.
In Don’s final hours, his two favourite ladies are by his side, what more could he wish for.

‘Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy, be with us on our way.
 For all your ways are beautiful and all your ways are peace. Amen

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